Group Volunteer Application
Public -by Roslyn Patrick
Join our mission to inspire children, connect families, and build community through exploration, exhibits, programming, and play.
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You must be at least 14 years old.
Applicant Commitment

By submitting this application I and my team agree to serve as volunteers and to commit to the following:

  • To perform our volunteer duties to the best of our abilities.
  • To adhere to Discovery Lab's rules and procedures, including record-keeping requirements and dress code. 
  • To meet time, duty commitment, and to provide adequate notice in our absence so that alternate arrangements can be made.
  • To act at all times as members of the team responsible for furthering the mission of Discovery Lab. 
  • We do hereby release Discovery Lab, its agents, and representatives from any liability and responsibility that may arise in connection with my volunteer duties. 
Attention Group Leader: Volunteers must be at least 14 years old. Anyone under the age of 18 must have a Release Form for Minors signed by a parent/guardian on file. This can be found on the Homepage. Please communicate this to any pertinent group members.
All volunteers over 18 must complete the GoodHire background screen. Please use the link below:
By continuing you are agreeing to Discovery Lab terms and privacy policy.